#GreenwashingIsGross Campaign (& a List of Alternative Clothing Recycling Programs to H&M;'s)
^^^Me when fast fashion chains like H&M announce they are starting clothing recycling programs and 'conscious' clothing lines^^^
It's like, hey H&M, how bout you make all conscious clothing, clothes that don't fall apart and charge a price to pay workers a living wage INSTEAD of SPENDING MILLIONS OF DOLLARS ON greenwashing campaigns and PR initiatives?
I'm starting a campaign called #GreenwashingIsGross because I've HAD IT and SO HAVE YOU. PLEASE REPOST, USE THE HASHTAG AND SPREAD AWARENESS IF YOU AGREE CHAINS LIKE H&M should cut the B.S. Greenwashing initiatives ( like their recent clothes recycling campaign and huge surrounding PR push with performer M.I.A.) Instead we urge they produce LESS VOLUME of HIGHER QUALITY clothes, sold at higher price, so workers are are paid a FAIR WAGE. To be the worst culprits of fast fashion in the world and yet have all these 'Green Campaign' initiatives to distract from how they are actually doing the bulk of their business-- producing too much disposable crap and underpaying and exploiting poor people, mainly women--is insanity and deceitful. Until they are exposed by people who know the truth, the public will keep listening..
Did you know H&M EVEN fund the Guardians 'Green Business' section? I used to write for them on occasion but haven't since they edited out a part of my story that criticized H&M. The Copenhagen Fashion Summit, which is supposed to address the fashion industry's issues, is featuring H&M as a leader and speaker. That's just sad and wrong so many levels. Why don't they feature the REAL activists?! Ethical fashion shouldn't be an excuse to have a bunch of big names pat each other on the back for doing very little to actually help the industry. It makes me sick to my stomach these charades and parades. Ethical fashion is a real, serious issue.... NOT THE MET GALA.
“The global textile and apparel industry relies on a vulnerable, resource-intensive supply chain that has little care for the afterlife of what it creates. It is one of the world's largest producers of toxic environmental waste, affecting air, water, and soil resources. “ – http://www.evrnu.com/#intro
There are MANY alternatives to recycle clothing, beside's H&M's campaign, which only in turn will actually support fast fashion and cause more disposable clothing. Here are a few in the US:
- Community Recycling - all you have to do is join their program and ask them for a FREE SHIPPING label and they'll send you one. You pack up your cothes, send to them, and they will recycle for you
Evrnu - Seattle based Evrnu is spearheading the technological advances to solve one of the biggest challenges of or time--transforming waste into something useful AND beautiful. With 14.3 million tons of textile waste a year in the US alone, Evrnu fiber transforms old cotton clothing into a new, useful raw material for the creation of premium garments.
American Textile Recycling Center – This organisation helps people reuse and recycle things that they no longer need at home. Accepting clothes, shoes, toys and household items, they are the perfect place to take everything. It is easy and convenient to drop-off items in the donation boxes that they have provided in many areas throughout the country. They accept donations with the aim of creating more jobs worldwide and healing the planet.
S.M.A.R.T. – Secondary Materials and Recycled Textiles accepts used clothing and other household textiles. There are three stages of their recycling process: 1. Collectors – gather used items from their drop-off boxes, 2. Processors – Sort and cut the items into wiping rags or breakdown into basic fibers to make new products, 3. Distributors – sell the remade items and wiping clothes.
USAgain – Founded to help decrease the significant amount of unwanted textiles that go to the dump each year, this organisation provides drop-off bins in many major cities. They accept clothes, shoes and household textiles and recommend putting them in large plastic bags to preserve the items.
The Salvation Army – One of the oldest and most well-known charity organisations their mission is to assist individuals wherever possible without discrimination. They make it easy for people to donate by having options of pick-up or drop-off services available.
Pick-up Please – Any donations made will go towards assisting Vietnam Veterans of America, which is an organization that aims to support all military veterans and their families. They accept all wearable clothing types and styles, as they have an extensive range of people that they try to assist.
Dress for Success – This organization supports women while they are trying to gain their financial independence. Appearance can be a major boost to an individual’s confidence when looking for a job. They appreciate clothing that is in good condition so that it can be donated to women who have interviews to attend.
Big Brother Big Sister Foundation – Helping to take care of children as they grow and develop is the main aim of this organization. They provide a pick-up or drop-off service for clothes in any condition, and then do their best to turn these items into treasures that all the kids will be able to enjoy.
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