California Teens Take Over HELPSY, Results Spectacular California Teens Take Over HELPSY, Results Spectacular

HELPSY Blog: ethical fashion that's dope

  • California Teens Take Over HELPSY, Results Spectacular
  • Rachel Kibbe
  • 1964 ThreadsAaksBatiz JewelryElixeryFamily AffairsHelpsyMullein & SparrowSimon & Krullteen artiststeensWild TussuhZine Club Magzines

California Teens Take Over HELPSY, Results Spectacular

These images are from a lookbook HELPSY made in collaboration with a Southern California based high school zine club, Zine Club Mag. These super talented teens approached us to use some of our clothing in their upcoming issue and we were so impressed with their work we figured why not work with them to help spread the word about ethical fashion to young people. Also these kids, the Instagram Generation, are naturals. They practically came out of the womb learning about composition and how to generate images that relay specific messages. In short, they're better than we are at fashun!

We let them style, model, produce and shoot a season-less lookbook for us entirely on their own, with just a little creative guidance and suggestions. We think that seasonless clothing is important to a slower, calmer and more sustainable fashion industry. We also think working with young creatives is so important to the future of a more sustainable fashion industry.

Here is the story of the shoot in Zine Club Mag's Editor in Chief, Alyson Williams', own words:

Zine Club Mag is an arts and culture webzine/print magazine concentrating on the work of teen artists. After our debut as a simple high school club one year ago, we are now an independent magazine with a full team of international contributors and readers. We try to create a platform that is more inviting than non-inclusive art cliques, but also delivers focused content that is actually interesting and relateable to teenkind.

Despite the 100 degree southern California heat, the Helpsy Lookbook shoot and the ZCM team pulled through. Since a certain "facilities manager" didn't quite manage the facilities as we had discussed, we had to relocate our shoot to the other side of the school. With the help of a kind math teacher (#oxymoron #orjustmoron #C-), we were able to gain access to the bathroom. Shooting at our school felt natural and pretty stereotypical - there was a football game being played at the stadium throughout the shoot.

Click on images to shop the story!

Girls Involved:
Alyson - creative director, model
Alyson is the editor-in-chief of Zine Club Magazine. She also paints and writes for Rookie Mag.
Aleah - photographer
Aleah is the Digital Deputy Editor at Zine Club Magazine. Besides photography, she also draws and creates short films.
Rachel and Lara - makeup/hair artists
Rachel and Lara are the secretaries/right-hand gals at Zine Club Mag.
Allysia - model
Although she stars in many of ZCM's shoots, Allysia is also a contributor at
Tiara - model
Tiara is always reliable when it comes to holographic pokemon stickers and asian wax candies. She is also a contributor at

  • Rachel Kibbe
  • 1964 ThreadsAaksBatiz JewelryElixeryFamily AffairsHelpsyMullein & SparrowSimon & Krullteen artiststeensWild TussuhZine Club Magzines

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