Yung Guns: Chatting with Feminist Blogger Lemon Freckles
When we stumbled on artist and feminist blogger Lemon Freckles' Instagram account we knew we needed to chat with her. She offers up a fun mix of an optimistic aesthetic with a strong POV which draws you and is relatable. In my opinion this approach is a great way to communicate because it doesn't preach, but teaches.
What does blogging mean to you and have you been able to make it into a full time gig?
I originally started blogging 10 years ago under a different name, it was a whole new world back then. I started because I needed a creative outlet and it seemed like a pretty easy thing to get involved with, without having to spend lots of pennies. However as the years went on, blogging became more than I expected. It helped grow me grow my confidence, I discovered new friends and I it gave me a glimpse at a career path I actually got excited about. I’ve never wanted to be a full-time blogger but I love that I am able to use it with my work and that it can be part of my daily life. Although blogging has changed a lot through the years, there is still a rather magical community surrounding it and I think if you can find the right one to embrace, it can really change your life.
How would you describe yourself to someone who had never met you but had to buy you clothes?
My clothing style is pretty laid back, with a pop of colour. I’m all about comfort, I hate wearing shoes and go barefoot wherever possible. I love playing with colour though and also love the odd ridiculous item. I’m not afraid of a bright pattern or two in one outfit and love a bit of clashing.
Who is your favorite artist and why?
When someone looks at your Instagram account, what do you hope they get out of it? Do you call yourself and activist? What is the cause you feel most passionately about
Who are your favorite Instagram accounts?
If you were to pick 3 things from our site to get, what would they be?
I love these because the all inject some much needed color into your life and, let's face it, you can never have too much color!
If you were going to make me a mix tape , list 5-10 songs you’d put on it?
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