HELPSY VOICES: wellness, ethical fashion, sustainability, stories and awesome life advice from real people: Avocados

#NationalChocolateCupcakeDay : A Vegan Recipe Starring Avocado

By Rachel Kibbe

#NationalChocolateCupcakeDay : A Vegan Recipe Starring Avocado
I found this vegan chocolate cupcake recipe on, of all places, the Betty Crocker website, only modifying a few things. The reason I loved this recipe out of all the vegan recipes out there, is because it incorporates the use of avocado. Believe it or not, avocados can essential tool in your vegan baking arsenal. Their flavor is completely neutralized in by sweeter ingredients (promise) and their consistency provides a light, moist, and nutritious base that really rivals eggs. I once brought an avocado based vegan chocolate pudding to a party and no one knew until I told them and they stared at me in disbelief (after they were licking their bowls clean).

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