John Oliver Condemns Fast Fashion. Great, So Now What?
By Rachel Kibbe
By Rachel Kibbe
By Rachel Kibbe
By Rachel Kibbe
This vintage Chanel dress could be yours for theprice of $34,999, apparently, on ebay. For realz. We're thinking our best bet is a Kickstarter campaign offering free puppies for each dollar donated. Or...Yeah maybe we should rethink that prize.
It's a gem though...Chanel is so on point always and forever. And buying vintage is so eco-friendly; you can't increase a carbon footprint that's already in existence (usless you fly the vintage pieces all over the world or something). So if you're looking to start making more sustainable clothes shopping choices, secondhand and vintage clothes are definitely a great place to start. In conclusion, the planet wants us to own this dress! Right?!
Speaking of vintage -- we have a few new items available on the site. Not exactly Chanel, but equally historically important.
By Rachel Kibbe